Thursday, September 13, 2018

Savoring the Moments

How is it that this little one is about to be six in a few short weeks? Six used to sound so young to me, and while it is, I’ve witnessed just how capable someone at this age can be. From making herself breakfast before school, wanting to help around the house (just never her own room of course 😅) being the friend on the playground to find the lonely kid and ask them to play, reading at second grade level after starting school a year early, she really impresses me every day.

 I catch myself thinking back to how small her little toes used to be, the way she scooted and rolled around the house before she could walk and the way she smelled. Now she sings me the nursery rhymes before bed and comforts me when I’m sad. It’s almost hard to remember the earlier years; the sound of her voice and her cries for me before she was talking. Why does it have to go so fast? It scares me to think one day I won’t remember the exact moments or sounds. I cannot take even the hardest days with her for granted. Im scared there will be a day she doesn’t need me. But I’m also scared she’ll always need me.

 Being a parent is so emotional everyday. It’s so many little things and big things and appointments, boo-boos, repetition, tears, smiles, worries, anxiety, knowing when to let go or bring them in. Does anyone actually have this down? I just looked at her with tears and told her I couldn’t believe she’s not a baby anymore. She responded with “Well, you could have another baby! And another baby and another baby!” This kid cracks me up but that reminded me to cherish the time now because I’m a another six years I’m going to look back on today and wonder where the heck all the time went. Dang, I'm just feeling so blessed to be this cuties mom. 

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